Leading and Learning in a Changing Landscape

Dublin Royal Convention Centre, Dublin 8

On Thursday, 21 November 2024 QQI will host a one day conference in the Dublin Royal Convention Centre in Dublin 8 to facilitate national discussions on strategic approaches to changes in further and higher education and training and English language education. 

QQI invites policy-makers, academic management, learners, front-line educators, support staff and quality assurance teams in community and voluntary education, English language education, further education and training, and the higher education sectors to join us for important conversations as we traverse significant changes in the national, international and digital landscapes. 

We will hear from national and international experts who are leading transformation in response to developments in qualification and quality assurance and have an opportunity to learn and share knowledge with peers across the tertiary system. 

This conference is an important opportunity to participate in national conversations on new technologies impacting education and training, diversifying assessment approaches in partnership with students, the evolving tertiary system, and collaborations in Europe and beyond.

Expert contributors will discuss

  • opportunities to harness artificial intelligence creatively in quality assurance activities for future qualifications
  • strengthening European collaborations in a changing geopolitical context
  • how we can better engage with students in the post-Covid environment
  • the impact of the National Academic Integrity Network as it celebrates its 5th anniversary and how it can build on its achievements in partnership with the tertiary sector
  • rethinking assessment strategies to respond to sectoral and digital developments
  • senior leaders’ views on driving quality in a dynamic environment and ensuring qualifications support the future capability of learners
  • aligning English language programmes to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

In addition to our conference, we will have a smaller focused workshop for invited guests on the afternoon of Wednesday, 20th November to discuss future approaches to access, transfer and progression considerations. 

Irish Sign Language interpreters will provide interpretation throughout this event. 

There will be a registration fee of €100 to attend the conference in person. We will notify colleagues when registration opens via our mailing list. Any queries in the meantime should be addressed to conference@qqi.ie