Irish Register of Qualifications
The Irish Register of Qualifications (IRQ) is a resource that provides public confirmation of the formal, technical relationship between a qualification and the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ).
It includes all quality-assured, recognised qualifications offered by universities and institutes of technology, as well as private higher education colleges, education and training boards, and private further education providers delivering courses leading to a QQI Award. It also supplies details about the associated course, provider and awarding body, and QQI works closely with awarding bodies to ensure the database is up to date.
In the future, the IRQ will also include qualifications from other awarding bodies when they become eligible to have qualifications included within the NFQ, for example, professional bodies, and UK and other international awarding bodies.
What about Qualifax?
The IRQ will not replace Qualifax, the national learners’ database.
Instead, both databases complement each other, with Qualifax offering important guidance and detailed course information for learners, parents, and job seekers on course choices and their associated entry requirements.