Customer charter
Our customer commitments
We intend to give you the best possible service. We aim to achieve this by:
- Treating customers fairly, impartially and with courtesy and respect. This applies to all methods of communication.
- Ensuring that rights to equal treatment are upheld in the delivery of our services.
- Accommodating any special needs our customers may have.
- Respecting the confidentiality of any personal information you provide to us and only using it in accordance with the law.
- Providing services through English and Irish.
- Monitoring and reporting our performance annually.
What to expect when you contact us
Our information
- We aim to provide clear, accurate, accessible, relevant and up-to-date information.
- We will provide this information through our staff, our publications and our website. We will ensure that important public information material is available in a variety of accessible formats.
- We will maintain our website as an accessible comprehensive source of information on all aspects of our work.
When you contact us by letter or email
- We aim to acknowledge all correspondence within 3 working days.
- We will keep you informed of progress and will send you detailed correspondence within 15 working days.
- If this is not possible, we will write to explaining the reason for the delay and tell you when you can expect a full reply.
- All correspondence from us will be in clear and plain language.
When you contact us by phone
- Our reception telephone will be open from 8.30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays.
- Calls will be answered as quickly as possible and transferred to a member of staff who can help you.
- All staff will give their name and unit when answering your call.
- We will keep our voicemail messages up-to-date.
- We will respond to voicemail messages within 1 working day.
- We will try to answer your query in full. If this is not possible, we will respond as soon as possible and keep you updated.
When you visit our public offices
- We will be helpful, professional, and courteous. We ask that you afford our staff the same consideration.
- Ensure our reception is staffed.
- Our meeting facilities will be accessible and comply with health and safety standards.
- We will facilitate access for people with disabilities and people with other specific requirements.
Customer responsibilities
To make our service better, we ask that you:
- have any information ready that will help us with your query.
- give full and accurate information.
- treat our staff with courtesy and respect
We value your opinion
To allow us to serve you better, we would like to hear from you. Let us know how we have performed, if we can do better, and how you think we could improve.
How to contact us
Write to us or visit us at:
Quality and Qualifications Ireland
26-27 Denzille Lane
Dublin 2
D02 P266
Our opening hours 9am to 5pm from Monday to Friday. We are closed from 1-2pm.
Our telephone number is +353 (0) 1 905 8100.
You can contact us through our online help service called QHelp.
You can tweet us at @QQI_connect.
You can message us through LinkedIn and Facebook
Access Officer Quality and Qualifications Ireland
Ian Larkin
Senior Executive Officer, Human Resources
Corporate Services
Address : 26/27 Denzille Lane, Dublin 2
Tel: +353 1 9058142