Our role

  • We set standards for QQI awards (qualifications)
  • We assess the fitness of providers to offer QQI awards
  • We validate programmes of education and training leading to QQI awards
  • We award qualifications and issue certificates
  • We maintain the statutory learner protection fund for learners enrolled in private education and training providers

  • We issue quality assurance guidelines
  • We approve providers’ quality assurance procedures
  • We monitor and review providers
  • We promote awareness and maintenance of academic integrity
  • We award the International Education Mark to higher education and English language education providers

  • We maintain the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) as a system relating different qualification levels to each other
  • We maintain the Irish Register of Qualifications as a comprehensive database of all qualifications included in the NFQ
  • We recognise awarding bodies and include their qualifications in the NFQ
  • We monitor providers to ensure they offer learners access, transfer and progression opportunities
  • We advise on the recognition of foreign qualifications in Ireland and of Irish qualifications abroad

  • We consult, inform and collaborate with national and international stakeholders
  • We conduct research and report on quality and qualifications in the tertiary education system
  • We consult with learners and learner groups and involve them in carrying out our core functions
  • We develop enhancement initiatives and host events to learn from and share best practice with stakeholders

We are committed to a vision of Ireland that delivers a flexible, responsive and quality assured tertiary education system where learners can have confidence that their learning experience will be of a high quality and their qualifications and learning will be valued nationally and internationally.

We promote public confidence and trust in the quality, integrity and reputation of Ireland’s tertiary education system through: 

  • protecting the integrity of the National Framework of Qualifications,
  • providing authoritative and comprehensive information about qualifications and learning opportunities;
  • delivering trusted regulation and guidance,
  • enhancing the quality of providers and their programmes and,
  • influencing system change with insights and analyses.

Our approach to our own work and how we work with our partners is governed by clear values and associated behaviours. 

We are an independent public body, working within the broad framework of Government policy. We exercise our regulatory authority in a transparent, fair, impartial and objective manner. 

We value our shared responsibility with others to ensure confidence in and continuous improvement of the quality of education and training. In partnership with others, we pursue our priorities and actions in a consultative, collaborative and inclusive manner. 

We embrace and engender trust and integrity in our decision-making and in our policies, procedures and in our regulation. Our approaches are evidence-based and informed by good national and international practice. 

Learning and innovation are at the heart of what we do and how we design our business systems and processes. We grow our expertise and knowledge and learn from our national and international partners to influence, guide, advise and regulate in an authoritative and responsive manner. 

We value research, insight, and analysis to achieve our priorities and actions with positive and measurable impact.
