Contact Us

Quality and Qualifications Ireland

26/27 Denzille Lane

Dublin 2

D02 P266


Tel:  +353 1 9058100

If you cannot find the information you need on our website please contact us by registering as a QHelp user. Once you have registered you will be able to submit a query and monitor its status. 

If you need to regularly interact with QQI, such as to request a replacement certificate or a record of awards, you can register as a QHelp user.

Registering will allow you to submit queries, attach any relevant files and monitor the status of your queries. 

Once your query is submitted, it is logged on our CRM system and you will receive an acknowledgement.

QQI has one designated public official under the Regulation of Lobbying Act 2015:

  • Dr Padraig Walsh, Chief Executive

Go here for more information about the regulation of lobbying.

The role of Access Officer is to co-ordinate the provision of assistance and guidance to persons with disabilities in accessing our services. 

All other customer queries should be directed via QHelp or the contact details provided above.

In accordance with section 26(2) of the Disability Act 2005, Quality and Qualifications Ireland has appointed the person below as an Access Officer.

Eamonn Collins

Senior Manager, HR & Facilities

Corporate Services

Address : 26/27 Denzille Lane, Dublin 2

Email :

Tel : +353 1 905 8214
