Organisational structure
QQI organisational structure can be viewed in a slide format or this text-only version.
QQI employs more than 80 staff across the following areas:
- Awards directorate
- Corporate services directorate
- Development directorate
- Integration directorate
- Partnerships division

Chief Executive Officer - Dr Padraig Walsh

Areas of responsibility
- Qualification standards
- Initial access to validation
- Re-engagement
- Programme validation
- Programme monitoring
- Certification

Corporate services
Areas of responsibility
- Provider Governance and Risk
- Finance and Procurement
- Human and Physical Resources
- Information and Communications Technology
- Programme Management
- Internal Audit
- Governance

Areas of responsibility
- International education
- Research and innovation
- International mobility - NARIC Ireland
- Recognition of prior learning

Areas of responsibility
- Tertiary education monitoring and review
- National Framework of Qualifications
- Access, transfer and progression
- Qualifax
- Irish Register of Qualifications
- Listing of awarding bodies

Areas of responsibility
- Stakeholder engagement
- Communications
- Academic integrity