Exploring ATP policy and the role of intermediate qualifications at NFQ Levels 5 and 6
On November 20th, QQI hosted an engaging and insightful workshop exploring the role of intermediate qualifications at NFQ Levels 5 and 6, and access, transfer and progression (ATP) policy in building a unified tertiary system.
Participants agreed that qualifications at NFQ Level 6 broadly have three purposes:
- Progression to higher education
- Access to employment & labour market
- Social inclusion
There were a number of case studies presented showcasing innovative, progressing and inspiring approaches to ATP. Thanks to Deirdre Fitzpatrick from College Connect, Georgina Roberts from DCU, Dr Ita Kennelly from National College of Ireland and Louise Fitzpatrick from City of Dublin ETB for sharing their work.
Themes covered included:
- increasing and diversifying learner pathways from FET to higher education
- the need for clear information and dedicated supports to help learners navigate the system
- common challenges and barriers experienced by marginalised learners
- the importance of welcoming & inclusive environments
- delivery of NFQ Level 6 special purpose awards in secondary schools to build digital literacy, skillls for learning, confidence & provide progression opportunities
- the integral role of NFQ Levels 5 & 6 in tertiary education but particularly apprenticeships & tertiary degrees
Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) will publish two green papers informed by these discussions and insights before the end of the year. The first will propose changes to intermediate qualifications at NFQ Levels 5 and 6 and the second will propose an updated QQI ATP policy. We really hope to get feedback from a wide variety of stakeholders.