Access, Transfer and Progression (ATP) Workshop
Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) hosted a workshop on Wednesday 26 March to discuss all things access, transfer and progression (ATP) including the Green Paper on a Revised ATP Policy which is open for consultation.
Dearbháil Lawless, CEO of AONTAS, the National Adult Learning Organisation and Dara Ryder, CEO of AHEAD (Ireland) co-chaired and shared their significant expertise and passion throughout the day.
Naomi Oldenburg gave a short presentation outlining the key elements of the Green Paper with a focus on the new and enhanced principles. Participants spent time discussing the proposal in groups and provided insightful feedback that will inform the White Paper.
The day progressed with a number of case studies to demonstrate innovative and progressive practice in ATP.
- Dr Deirdre Goggin from Munster Technological University delivered a talk on the MTU Extended Campus, with a focus on recognition of prior learning. She highlighted the need for learners to enter at the level that is most appropriate for them and that RPL is responsive but also used responsibly.
- Rosemary Flynn from South East Technological University introduced online, flexible and lifelong learning at the university. She talked about modular delivery of short, stackable certificates that are ideal for part-time students.
- Louise Fitzpatrick from City of Dublin ETB introduced the approach by the ETB to embed universal design for learning (UDL). She described how UDL was a common language that connected everyone at the ETB and was responsive to learners, especially with increasing diversity.
- Pauline Flusk from Innopharma Education introduced micro-credentials as a pathway for learners, even those without formal qualifications. She discussed the new NFQ Level 5 qualification that creates new opportunities for learners.
- Finally, colleagues from University College Cork and Cork Education and Training Board including Kathy Bradley, Maria Daniels, PhD. Helen Ryan, Fiona O'Connor and Eleanor Bantry had a panel discussion to showcase the new tertiary degree in social work developed in conjunction with the National Tertiary Office.
We then had a learner experience panel with Kayla Dibble, Mairead O'Connor of The Wheel, and Catriona Rodgers from Institute of Guidance Counsellors (IGC) to share their experiences of the barriers and challenges experienced by learners.
Finally, we ended with a short design thinking workshop to take the perspective of the learner to try and find some human-centred solutions to the problems they experience.
Thanks to everyone for their participation and engagement.
Feedback on the Green Paper can be submitted until 25 April by emailing