Automatic recognition insights from practice: toolkit


A Council Recommendation on Automatic Recognition building on the Lisbon Recognition Convention, set out that Member States should achieve automatic recognition (AR) of

  • learning outcomes of study periods abroad and
  • of qualifications from higher and upper secondary education

without separate recognition procedures for access, while respecting the right of competent authorities and institutions the determine requirements and admissions procedures.

Many institutions have benefitted from the Q-ENTRY database which sets out school leaving qualifications giving access to higher education.

CIMEA, the Italian ENIC NARIC, has announced the new publication Automatic recognition in practice – examples and tools from the project partner countries, realised in the framework of the Erasmus+ project International Database on Higher Education Entry Qualifications (qENTRY+) on behalf of the qENTRY+ project consortium.

This document provides insights on automatic recognition in practice and outlines examples and tools from project partner countries. It describes common challenges and explores solutions to foster the implementation of automatic recognition through the collection and sharing of practices and tools employed at national and international level, starting from the current needs of higher education stakeholders in partner countries.

The project outputs (Q-ENTRY database and publication) and further information on the qENTRY+ project is available here.

The publication was developed thanks to the cooperation of all consortium members: CIMEA (Italy, coordinator), NARIC Vlandeeren (Belgium Flemish Community), NACID (Bulgaria), Nuffic (Netherlands), NAWA (Poland).

Cimea is also working towards AR as part of the Network | AdReN. A number of regional intergovernmental AR arrangements exist elsewhere across Europe, e.g. in the Nordic and Baltic regions.
