TrustEd Ireland resources

There are several stages in the TrustEd Ireland application process, beginning with provider confirmation of application and ending with the final decision of QQI’s Approvals and Reviews Committee to authorise the use of the mark. 

More information on TrustEd Ireland can be found here. If you need further assistance, please contact

Here is a list of resources that will help providers throughout the process of applying for the IEM:

These resources are applicable for all providers applying for the International Education Mark.

Confirmation of application form

Click the link to confirm your intention to apply for the IEM.

Policy on Authorisation to Use the International Education Mark

The Policy on Authorisation establishes policy and criteria for providers of higher education and English language education programmes seeking authorisation to use the international education mark.

TrustEd Ireland Frequently Asked Questions

A list of frequently asked questions in relation to TrustEd Ireland and your application.

TrustEd Ireland Application Fees and Annual Charge

This document outlines the costs associated with the initial application to QQI for authorisation to use the TrustEd Ireland quality mark and the annual charge following authorisation.  

QHub TrustEd Ireland Application Guide for HE and ELE Providers

A How to Guide on how to use QHub, the IT system used for IEM applications.

How to log into Qhub video

A video explaining how you first log into QHub.

How to submit an application video

A video explaining how a provider submits an application on QHub.

Conflict of Interest Form

The assessor conflict of interest form.

These resources are applicable for English language Education providers applying for the International Education Mark.

Code of Practice for English Language Education Providers

The code of practice for English Language Education (ELE) providers sets out expectations related to education provision, including supports, available to international learners in Ireland enrolled on ELE programmes.

Statutory Quality Assurance Guidelines for English Language Education

The Quality Assurance Guidelines outlines the Statutory Quality Assurance Guidelines established by QQI for English language education providers.

TrustEd Ireland Handbook for ELE providers

A handbook that explains the process and application for the IEM for ELE providers.

These resources are applicable for Higher Education providers applying for the International Education Mark.

Code of Practice for Higher Education

The code of practice for HE providers sets out expectations related to education provision, including supports, available to international learners in Ireland enrolled on programmes leading to awards included within the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ), and learners outside the state enrolled on programmes leading to awards included within the NFQ.

TrustEd Ireland Handbook for HE providers

A handbook that explains the process and application for the IEM for HE providers.

IEMAS HE Template

The template that Higher Education providers will complete and submit to apply for the IEM.

AR 25 Spotlight on Recognition Project Self Assessment Tool

The tool aims to support staff in Higher Education Institutes evaluate the extent to which the recognition procedures they operate are in line with the Lisbon Recognition Convention.
