Current consultations
Green Paper on QQI's Access, Transfer and Progression Policy
The Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act 2012 empowers QQI to develop policies and criteria in relation to access, transfer and progression (ATP). QQI’s current ATP Policy is a restatement from 2015 of the ATP policy first established in 2003.
In 2023, a review examining ATP practice in Ireland commissioned by QQI was published. This review identified barriers created by current approaches and practices to ATP and provided a number of recommendations to improve ATP practice in Ireland. In order to act on these recommendations QQI is proposing that the ATP policy be updated.
This Green Paper outlines a proposal for an updated ATP policy. The proposed new ATP policy maintains a continued emphasis on credit systems, fair entry arrangements, information provision, and transfer and progression opportunities. The new policy also expands on key supporting elements of ATP central to creating clear pathways for learners.
QQI are keen to get diverse and varied perspectives on the proposed new ATP policy as well as to hear examples of barriers to accessing ATP pathways as well as examples of good practice.
Feedback can also be emailed to with the subject line: Public Consultation QQI Green Paper QQI’s Access Transfer and Progression Policy.
The consultation deadline has been extended to Friday 25 April 2025.
You can read the green paper below.
QQI Green Paper on QQI’s Access, Transfer and Progression Policy
Following the end of the consultation process, QQI will publish the findings, a thematic analysis of the feedback and our response. The insights gathered will inform the development of a White Paper, with the goal of implementing a robust ATP policy that supports diverse learner needs and aligns with Ireland's evolving educational landscape.
Green Paper on Intermediate Qualifications at NFQ Levels 5 and 6
The Irish National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) was established in 2003, covering school, tertiary education and professional awards, and has become a key reference for people and stakeholders over the past two decades. Visit National Framework of Qualifications page for more information about the framework. Since the establishment of the NFQ there has been frequent discussion and ongoing tension regarding the placement of separate further and higher education awards at NFQ Level 6, with the Advanced Certificate (AC) and Higher Certificate (HC) causing confusion and unequal progression opportunities. Several reports and reviews conducted in the last decade have pointed to this issue at Level 6. To date, the placement of major awards in the framework has never been reviewed or revised.
QQI has published a green paper relating to intermediate qualifications at NFQ Levels 5 and 6.
The Green Paper proposes changes to intermediate qualifications at NFQ Levels 5 and 6, introducing a single major award at Level 6 (termed the Tertiary Certificate), to replace the Advanced and Higher Certificates, and changes to the related Level 5 Certificate to address issues like credit volume, systems and titling. QQI hopes the changes proposed in the Green Paper will simplify the NFQ, improve access, transfer and progression opportunities for learners, and support a unified tertiary education system.
The Green Paper is a start of a conversation about the proposed change to the NFQ. QQI are keen to get diverse and varied perspectives to ensure all the relevant issues are addressed and that the proposed solution is fit for purpose.
QQI invite feedback from all types of people and stakeholders on various aspects of the proposal. If you want to give your feedback please fill out this form Intermediate Qualifications at NFQ Levels 5 and 6. Feedback can also be emailed to with the subject line: Public Consultation QQI Green Paper on Intermediate Qualifications at NFQ Levels 5 & 6.
The consultation closes on Friday 7 March 2025.
You can read the green paper below.
QQI Green Paper on Intermediate Qualifications at NFQ Levels 5 & 6
Following the end of the consultation process, QQI will publish the findings, a thematic analysis of the feedback and our response. The next step will be to formalise the proposed approach in a White Paper for a final round of feedback before confirming the new award type descriptor for the single major award at NFQ Level 6 and any associated changes to NFQ Level 5.