Professional Bodies

We engage with many different organisations and agencies as part of a system that continues to develop and improve the quality of higher education and further education and training qualifications.
The professional, statutory and regulatory bodies (PSRBs) involve communities of practice that are essential to the qualifications system. This area is of particular interest to QQI, as many higher education programmes must satisfy not only the accreditation processes of a PSRB but also the quality assurance processes of the provider institutions and QQI, the national quality assurance agency.
Finding Common Ground
In 2019, QQI launched Finding Common Ground, an ongoing programme to promote closer engagement with PSRBs.
In consultation with professional, statutory and regulatory bodies and higher education institutions, QQI has also developed principles for professional engagements with education providers, a set of high-level principles aimed at reducing the burden of accreditation and other related activities, and creating greater opportunities for collaboration between higher education institutions, PSRBs and QQI.
A communications hub has been established for QQI and PSRBs to share updates and good practice. If your organisation would like to be part of this hub, please contact us.