TUS successfully completes the Cinnte review process


The Technological University of the Shannon (TUS) is the second technological university to complete the CINNTE review process in 2024. The process involves quality checks conducted by QQI.

CINNTE reviews assess public higher education institutions' (HEIs’) quality assurance systems. The reviews explore teaching, learning and research systems within the institutions and survey how institutions align with their mission, quality indicators and benchmarks.

A panel of national and international experts conducted a review of TUS’s recently established quality assurance systems. QQI have now published the report. It highlights examples of good practice that benefits students, staff and the community. The panel recognised TUS’s contribution to the Midlands-Midwest region. It also emphasised university’s dedication to strong student engagement and supports for widening access.

While the review team acknowledges that the university is at an early stage, they recommend it to further formalise its workforce planning and to clarify role responsibilities and relationships within it. TUS is also encouraged to continue to embed a research culture that allows it to achieve its ambitions in this field. 

TU of the Shannon was praised for:

  • its ambitious vision that pervades key initiatives and guides its collaboration with students, communities, local government, enterprise and business
  • its unwavering commitment to students on access and widening participation pathways
  • the enthusiasm and professionalism of all student support services staff who ensure an outstanding commitment to student engagement
  • its creative engagement with the Regional University Network European University (RUN-EU) Initiative for the strategic development of research. Education and outreach activities benefitting the student and staff experience and research activity
  • demonstrating considerable progress in winning funding and producing scholarly publications.

The expert panel has recommended that TU of the Shannon should:

  • notwithstanding the progress made on integration to date, develop a unified operational model across the university. This should align with university objectives and be strongly promoted
  • give serious consideration to supporting the development of Heads of Departments’ important role as middle managers who make a significant contribution to the effective functioning of the institution
  • in fulfilment of its ambitions for research development, take steps to ensure that every PhD student is embedded in a research culture, all supervisors can demonstrate and maintain the currency of their expertise to supervise students and projects, a code of practice for research supervision is regularly communicated, monitored and reviewed in line with the Framework for Doctoral Education
  • review current practice for student communication and develop a coordinated strategy that addresses student’ needs across all modes of programme delivery, and all stages of the student journey from application to completion of studies, to ensure timely access to pertinent academic and pastoral information
  • prioritise overall workforce planning, development and wellbeing in an agile manner to ensure the sustainability of continued high-quality service and academic provision.

Professor Jeremy Bradshaw, former Pro-Vice-Chancellor, University of Bath, chaired the TU of the Shannon review team: 

“It was clear to the review team from the outset that a quality assurance and enhancement ethos was evident in the institution’s plans and activities. There had been significant progress in institutional integration, and a high degree of connection had already been achieved through the unified Vision and Strategic Plan in alignment with national and European quality guidelines. Throughout the review, the Governing Body, senior leadership team and staff at all levels demonstrated a strong commitment to creating a single institution with a distinctive contribution to: “education and research that transforms lives, the region and the world beyond.” The review panel were particularly impressed by the ambitious institutional vision that pervades key initiatives and guides institutional collaboration with students, communities, local government, enterprise and business, an unwavering commitment to students on Access and Widening Participation pathways, and the creative engagement with the European Universities Initiative for the strategic development of research, education and outreach activities benefitting the student and staff experience and research endeavour. The review panel would like to thank staff, students and external stakeholders of TUS for their contributions to making the review such a positive experience.”

Professor Vincent Cunnane, President of TU of the Shannon welcomed the publication of the report:

“I welcome the publication of the Cinnte Review Report, which is the first external institutional review of the university since its designation three years ago.  It thus represents an important milestone for TUS and provides a valuable external validation of our approach as well as a reference point in evaluating quality at the university.  TUS is founded on a shared vision, and I am particularly pleased that this is recognised throughout the report.  The Review Team recognised the strong motivation of staff to the development and integration of TUS, our deep commitment to our students and our relationships of respect with stakeholders.  I would like to thank the Review Team for their expertise and insights, and reiterate my thanks to QQI for the opportunity that CINNTE affords. We aim for the highest of standards, and appreciate the Review Team’s findings, particularly the shared commitment at all levels of TUS to achieving our shared vision.”

Dr Padraig Walsh, QQI Chief Executive Officer noted:

“QQI's Cinnte review cycle plays a crucial role in ensuring and overseeing the quality of higher education in Ireland. We welcome the findings of the review team which highlights commendable achievements by TUS in student engagement and its commitment to Access and Widening Participation pathways. Equally, the report outlines recommendations which will help TUS to further strengthen its education offerings and continue to deliver high-quality outcomes for all its students.”

TU of the Shannon was established on 1 October 2021 as a technological university following a merger of two founding institutions – Limerick Institute of Technology (LIT) and Athlone Institute of Technology (AIT). TUS is a multi-campus university with sites across the Midlands-Midwest region. 
