Strong Endorsement for Principles for Professional Engagements with Education Providers


Thirty-five organisations have now endorsed the Principles for Professional Engagements with Education Providers​, published by QQI this summer.

The principles, based on the Universities Australia and Professions Australia Joint Statement of Principles for Professional Accreditation,​​ aim to help education providers, professional and regulatory bodies and QQI to work together to achieve common goals such as:

  • Highlighting the importance and benefits of professional regulation and accreditation 

  • Exploring the impact of professional accreditation on internal QA and reducing the administrative burden of processes

  • Stimulating a conversation between all stakeholders on the qualifications system​​

The endorsing bodies span the professional higher education sector and include both publicly regulated and private independent higher education institutions (HEIs) and a range of professional, statutory and regulatory bodies (PSRBs) covering a breadth of professions. 

Each organisation has considered the principles and values set out in the document and has agreed to act in accordance with and in the spirit of the principles in conducting their validation/accreditation/approval activities and any other relevant activities. 

The call for endorsement of the principles remains open and QQI will add to the list of organisations as further endorsements are received.

Those organisations for whom the principles remain under consideration are also listed below:



​Carlow College ​ACCA
​CCT College ​Chartered Accountants Ireland
​Dundalk Institute of Technology ​CPA Ireland
​Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology ​Engineers Ireland
​Griffith College ​Irish Association of Speech and ​Language Therapists 
​Hibernia College

​​Institute of Physics
​IBAT College ​​​Irish Hospitality Institute
​Institute of Art, Design and Technology ​Irish Planning Institute
​Institute of Technology Carlow Marketing Institute of Ireland
​Irish College of Humanities and Applied Sciences

Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland

​Institute of Technology Sligo

​Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland​
​Letterkenny Institute of Technology


Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland

​Munster Technological University ​Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland
​National College of Ireland ​Veterinary Council of Ireland
​Open Training College ​Medical Council
​RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences
​Technological University Dublin
​Trinity College Dublin
​University College Cork
​University of Limerick
​Waterford Institute of Technology

​Under Consideration​​

Dental Council

