QQI supports for displaced Ukraine nationals

In response to the news that Ireland will welcome thousands of people displaced by the war in Ukraine, QQI has published a guide, in Ukrainian, to its online foreign qualifications recognition service (NARIC). This guide will help those arriving from Ukraine compare their qualifications to similar awards on the Irish National Framework of Qualifications, and may assist them in accessing education and employment opportunities here in Ireland.
QQI’s free on-line NARIC service provides information on over 1400 foreign qualifications from more than 150 countries. It allows users to download a document comparing their academic qualification from abroad with similar qualifications in Ireland.
The NARIC database currently lists 17 Ukrainian qualifications that are comparable to Irish awards from Levels 3-10 of the National Framework of Qualifications, including school-based qualifications, professional and higher education qualifications. Each qualification is accompanied by other useful links which help explain the context for the qualification eg a country profile for Ukraine. Those arriving from Ukraine may also find user guides in English, Polish and Russian of use.
Advice on the general academic recognition of qualifications that are not yet listed can be requested on a case-by-case basis from NARIC Ireland using this online form.
Looking for more information on Ukrainian qualifications?
For stakeholders within the Irish further and higher education and training looking for an overview of the education system in Ukraine, a useful summary of the pathways between different sectors in that system is available to download here, along with a copy of the Ukrainian framework of qualifications.
In addition, the ENIC NARIC centre in Ukraine is able to provide comprehensive information about the general, professional and higher education system in Ukraine, as well as quality assurance and qualifications framework details.