QQI participates in INQAAHE Forum 2024


As well as engaging with European initiatives and networks, one of the wider global collaborations QQI participates in is the International Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (INQAHE)

At the recent INQAHE biennial members’ forum in Bucharest from 10-12 June, hosted by ARACIS, the Romanian QA agency, Dr Bryan Maguire, Director of Integration at QQI, led an important workshop on access, transfer and progression. The focus of the discussion was on the role of quality assurance agencies in promoting ATP, taking as its starting point the report on ATP published to mark the 20th anniversary of the National Framework of Qualifications.  

The theme of the forum was “Transforming Society: Social Responsibility Through Quality Assurance of Tertiary Education”. Keynote speeches, interactive round table discussions and design thinking workshops explored how quality assurance is important for topics beyond the more immediate issues of teaching, learning and research. 

You can learn more about conference here
