Programme for Review of National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) Policies


A priority of the QQI Statement of Strategy 2025-2027 is to future-proof the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) as the authoritative information source for quality assured tertiary qualifications. Actions identified to deliver this priority include the further development of QQI’s platforms to promote the NFQ as the authoritative source of information on quality-assured qualifications including micro-credentials and the review and modification of the current system of award types in the NFQ to better serve learners in a more integrated tertiary education system, including general education qualifications delivered via the school system.

The programme for review of the NFQ aims to deliver on this priority. This will include the review of existing policy and the development of new policy to formally articulate the mechanism for maintaining and implementing the NFQ, as well as promotions and communications.

This NFQ review will not be an impact, evaluation or effectiveness review of the NFQ and its implementation. Several of these have been undertaken in the last 20 years with good evidence of the impact of the NFQ on the education and training system. Instead, this programme will review the fundamental policy and infrastructure of the NFQ in relation to the promotion, maintenance, further development and implementation of the NFQ. The review will be action oriented with expected outcomes of:

  • a revised and updated policy framework for the NFQ and
  • clear, documented strategies for the maintenance and implementation and,
  • promotion and communication of the NFQ going forward.

The strategies and approaches will emphasise the role of collaboration and cooperation across the sector in the implementation of the NFQ and will encompass the entirety of the NFQ, including the qualifications associated with post-primary school sector. However, some aspects of the infrastructure of the NFQ, such as the 10 levels and the use of major and non-major awards, is unlikely to change as they are well embedded.

There will be significant external consultation associated with the programme commencing in early 2025. The overall programme, which will culminate in an updated referencing report to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and the Qualifications Framework of the European Higher Education Area (QF-EHEA), is expected to take six years, with most of the intensive policy review and updates being completed by 2027. We will strive to use existing fora as much as possible and to give advanced notice to key stakeholders. We will use a combination of surveys, focus groups and meetings to maximise feedback.

The Programme for NFQ Policy Review will be published and updated to promote the programme of work and to use it as an opportunity to build engagement and cooperation. Any queries can be emailed to
