News Update: New Book of Case Studies Published to Accompany Synthesis Report


QQI would like to announce the publication of a new Book of Case Studies to accompany the recently released Synthesis of the Education & Training Board Follow-Up Reports. This comprehensive collection of case studies provides valuable insights into the quality assurance developments, enhancements, and activities within the sector, as reported by the 16 Education and Training Boards (ETBs) in their follow-up reports.

The synthesis report highlights key themes and topics, including stakeholder engagement, amplification of the learner voice, enhanced data management, and continuous professional development. The accompanying Book of Case Studies offers a detailed summary of initiatives implemented by ETBs in response to the recommendations made in the review reports.

This publication reflects the ongoing evolution and development of quality assurance within the ETBs and aims to encourage the sharing of good practices across the sector and highlights the innovative approaches being taken to enhance the learning experience for students.
