New programmes and approvals for QQI Award providers


Twenty-seven new QQI Award programmes have been approved for a range of education and training providers across the country. 

At a recent meeting, QQI’s Programmes and Awards Executive Committee (PAEC) approved applications for new programmes in the following areas:

  • leadership and quality in healthcare, work-based learning practices, web and UX design, motion design, advertising and editorial photography, cyber security (certificates and diplomas at various levels between 5 and 9) 
  • fish farming, biosecurity, environmental sustainability in the workplace, law and governance for trustees, HR management for hospitality (microcredentials – special purpose and minor awards); 
  • primary teaching, psychology, graphic communications design (degree programmes);
  • artificial intelligence (postgraduate programme);
  • apprenticeship programmes in bar management and wind turbine engineering;
  • social science (doctorate degree)

Walter Balfe, Head of QQI Awards said,

‘Congratulations to all those providers who have successfully completed the process of programme validation with QQI.  Great effort has gone into ensuring that the new programmes developed deliver positive outcomes for learners as well as meeting the ever-changing demands of the world of work.’

The QQI committee that presides over the statutory validation process and makes sure that programmes and awards are developed in line with the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ), also revalidated two existing programmes and confirmed that 6 education and training providers had successfully completed the process of re-engagement with QQI.

Here is the full list of decisions made at the recent QQI Programme and Awards Executive Committee.

Programme validation

Further Education and Training

  • Donegal ETB
    • NFQ level 6 Certificate in Work Based Learning Practices
  • Galway and Roscommon ETB
    • NFQ level 5 Certificate in Fish Farm Techniques
    • NFQ level 5 Certificate in Nutrition and Feed Distribution at Fish Farms
    • NFQ level 5 Certificate in Fish Handling and Sea Lice Screening
    • NFQ level 5 Certificate in Introduction to Biosecurity (microcredential)
  • Limerick and Clare ETB
    • NFQ level 5 Certificate in Environmental Sustainability in the Workplace (microcredential)
  • Cork ETB
    • NFQ level 5 Certificate in Environmental Sustainability in the Workplace (microcredential)
  • Longford and Westmeath ETB
    • NFQ level 5 Certificate in Environmental Sustainability in the Workplace (microcredential)

Higher education and training

  • St Nicholas Monessori College
    • NFQ level 8 Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary Teaching
  • Carlow College, St Patrick’s
    • NFQ level 8 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Psychology
  • Royal College of Physicians of Ireland
    • NFQ level 9 Certificate in Leadership and Quality in Healthcare
  • National College of Ireland
    • NFQ level 9 Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence
    • NFQ level 9 Postgraduate Diploma in Science in Artificial Intelligence
    • NFQ level 9 Master of Science in AI for Business
    • NFQ level 9 Postgraduate Diploma in Science in AI for Business
  • Griffith College
    • NFQ level 8 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Graphic Communication Design
    • NFQ level 8 Certificate in Advanced Web, Interaction and UX Design
    • NFQ level 7 Certificate in Web, Interaction and UX Design
    • NFQ level 8 Certificate in Motion Design
    • NFQ level 6 Certificate in Advertising and Editorial Photography
    • NFQ level 7 Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Communication Design
    • NFQ level 8 Certificate in Law and Governance for Trustees (microcredential)
    • NFQ level 6 Certificate in Applied Human Resource Management for Irish Hotels and Guesthouses (microcredential)
  • City Education Group
    • NFQ level 7 Diploma in Cybersecurity

Research degree programmes

  • Institute of Carlow
    • NFQ level 10 Doctor of Philosophy in Social Science

Apprenticeship Programmes

  • Griffith College
    • NFQ level 7 Bachelor of Arts in Bar Management
  • Kerry ETB
    • NFQ level 6 Advanced Certificate in Industrial Wind Turbine Engineering

Programme revalidation

  • Retail Skillnet Ireland
    • NFQ level 6 Advanced certificate in Retail Supervision – approval of extension of validation period
  • National College of Ireland
    • NFQ level 8 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computing – approval of programme modification

Re-engagement of legacy award providers

  • The Learning Rooms
  • iScoil
  • Children’s Therapy Centre Ltd – Blended learning QA approval
  • DX Training Solutions
  • Anderlift Safety Services Ltd

Extension of Scope of Provision

IBAT College - Blended learning QA approval
