Green Paper on QQI Revised ATP Policy


The Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act 2012 empowers QQI to develop policies and criteria in relation to access, transfer and progression (ATP). QQI’s current ATP Policy is a restatement from 2015 of the ATP policy first established in 2003.

In 2023, a review examining ATP practice in Ireland commissioned by QQI was published. This review identified barriers created by current approaches and practices to ATP and provided a number of recommendations to improve ATP practice in Ireland. In order to act on these recommendations QQI is proposing that the ATP policy be updated.

This Green Paper outlines a proposal for an updated ATP policy. The proposed new ATP policy maintains a continued emphasis on credit systems, fair entry arrangements, information provision, and transfer and progression opportunities. The new policy also expands on key supporting elements of ATP central to creating clear pathways for learners.

QQI is keen to get diverse and varied perspectives on the proposed new ATP policy as well as to hear examples of barriers to accessing ATP pathways as well as examples of good practice.

Feedback can also be emailed to

***This consultation was scheduled to close in March but has now been extended until Friday 25 April 2025***