Erasmus+ project OCTRA 2 concludes
Octra2 (OCTRA 2, online course catalogues) is an Erasmus+ project exploring information provision on Bologna cycle study programmes, particularly focused on micro credentials, to support credential evaluation and recognition. Qualifications and credentials are diversifying at speed, and the demand for reliable recognition across borders is demanding.
As a project team, we were conscious of both European Standards and Guidelines (ESG) of the Lisbon Recognition Convention (LRC), and of our own accelerating and evolving practices.
A systematic study of course catalogues and micro-credentials was carried out, informing the development of guidelines on the information provision on study programmes, courses and micro-credentials. NARIC Ireland participation was kindly supported by representative bodies, THEA and the IUA, and individual higher education institutions nationally. Discussion, learning and recommendations are reflective of the diversity of practice across Europe; generally, insufficient data is provided for credential evaluation, with overarchingly a lack of information on external quality assurance in course catalogues, relatively substantial variances in the availability of public information from country to country. The project team agreed on key recommendations, discussed at the final conference on 17 October (OCTRA 2 conference).
The study, recommendations and methodology is a helpful contribution to developing our work nationally and in partnership across Europe. We encourage you to read the reports and look forward to developing this work further over 2025.