ENQA approves report on QQI targeted review


We were pleased to receive confirmation recently that the report of the international panel that conducted the targeted review of QQI in February against the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) has now been approved by the ENQA Agency Review Committee and the ENQA Board. The report has also been published on the ENQA website

The report confirms that QQI remains compliant with the ESG and in particular compliments QQI on the work done by the organisation in relation to the topic of ‘thematic analysis’ that was selected for the targeted review.

This is QQI’s third review against the ESG, and follows successful reviews in 2014 and 2019.

QQI has also submitted the report to the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR) so that the EQAR Register Committee can evaluate the report to confirm QQI’s continued listing on EQAR.

The positive outcome of this review is the result of the close cooperation shown by QQI staff, to the efforts of a dedicated steering group, and to the positive engagement of our diverse stakeholders across the HE system. We would like to express a particular gratitude and recognition to all QQI staff, and to all our external stakeholders that took the time to meet with the ENQA review panel.
