Review of Guidelines for Quality Assurance of Research Degree Programmes


​As part of the National Framework for Doctoral Education, QQI has appointed a panel of national and international experts to review existing policy and guidelines on the quality assurance of research degree programmes and to develop a new Code of Practice for same.  See here for Terms of Reference for the panel’s work. 
The panel will review existing quality assurance guidelines in use in Ireland and internationally to identify current best practice.  In October 2015, the panel will meet stakeholders from the higher education and broader research sectors to avail of their expertise and views as to what should be included in a Code of Practice.

Review Team Profile

See here for profiles of the members of the expert panel appointed by QQI to carry out this work.


The panel will produce a report of its findings when it has completed its review of existing materials and consultation with stakeholders.  QQI will publish the report.
Working from its report findings, the panel will compile a Code of Practice for Quality Assurance of Research Degree Programmes.  This too will be published for consultation.  Once finalised, it is hoped that this document will be a resource for the higher education sector which will help maintain and enhance the quality of research degree programmes.
