QQIs Statement of Strategy 2019-2021 Adding Value to Qualifications


QQI has launched its Statement of Strategy for 2019-2021.

The new Strategy encompasses the proposed amendments toQQI’s functions that have been outlined in the Qualifications and QualityAssurance (Amendment) Bill which was published this summer and is expected tobe enacted in early 2019.

The Strategy outlines four key priorities for theorganisation:

1. Integrity of the National Framework ofQualifications - To develop, promote and protect the integrity of theNational Framework of Qualifications.

2. Analysis & Impact - To use our unique position as the agency that spans all post-secondary education and training to analyse and demonstrate the impact of measures           taken to improvethe quality of education and training for the benefit of learners. 

3. Collaborate & Engagement - To supporta high-quality education and training system through mutually beneficialstrategic partnerships.

4. Organisational Capacity - To buildinternal capacity to sustain, improve and communicate our performance.

Statement of Strategy 2019-2021 - Adding Value to Qualifications.pdf
