QQI publishes Quality in an Era of Diminishing Resources report


​In 2015, QQI commissioned an external expert to analyse the published statutory quality review reports of academic departments, schools and programmes in the Irish universities and institutes of technology, on its behalf.  These institutions are required to conduct such evaluations periodically and to publish the outcomes. They do so by selecting panels comprised mainly of external national and international peers.

Although such quality review reports routinely highlight aspects of good institutional practice, the analysis undertaken focussed specifically on commentary in the institutional reports on any perceived impact on the quality of teaching and learning as a consequence of the reduced funding available to the institutions, in the period 2008-15. The report presents the findings of an analysis of over 90 such reports. It points to matters such as the reduced spending on equipment and facilities and the knock-on effects reported by the institutions of the employment control framework on the quality of the teaching and learning offering and environment. 

Quality in an Era of Diminishing Resources 
