QQI engages in series of Quality Dialogue Meetings


​As part of QQI's external quality assurance function, we are currently engaged in a series of quality dialogue meetings (QDMs) with Ireland's publicly-regulated higher education institutions. These meetings provide an opportunity for QQI to discuss with each institution internal and strategic developments in relation to quality assurance.​

The 2020 QDM series will include discussion of:

  • The experience of institutional contingency arrangements for teaching, learning and assessment arising from the COVID-19 pandemic and implications for the 2020-2021 academic year;

  • National developments and initiatives across the tertiary education sector in response to COVID-19

  • Institutional quality enhancement;

  • The CINNTE institutional review cycle;

  • Updates to national policy and legislation; and

  • QQI activities relating to quality assurance, qualifications, assessment and academic integrity.

For more on QQI's work in the area of quality assurance and monitoring, see here.
