QQI co-hosts Peer Learning Activity on School Leaving Certificates and Qualifications Frameworks in Europe.


On 2 and 3 June 2016, a Peer Learning Activity (PLA)  was held in Belfast, Northern Ireland, focusing on upper secondary school leaving qualifications giving direct access to first cycle degree courses and their place in the European Qualifications Framework (EQF). This PLA was hosted by the EQF National Coordination Points of Ireland and the UK in cooperation with the European Commission and Cedefop. Approximately 40 participants from various European countries attended the event.

The purpose of the PLA was to facilitate a better understanding of the contexts, processes and outcomes when relating school leaving qualifications to National Qualifications Frameworks. More specifically, the PLA aimed to:
- analyse the extent to which learning outcomes influence the levelling of SLQs within NQFs and identify other factors that are important in identifying a level for an SLQ;
- identify perceived cross national inconsistencies in the way SLQs are linked to NQF levels;
- inform the future development of the EQF referencing process, particularly the process of horizontal comparisons; and
- explore the extent to which NQF and EQF levels of SLQs are used in valuing SLQs for cross border mobility purposes.

Click here to view the final report from the PLA
