QQI Report of Expert Panel on the Quality Assurance of Research Degree Programmes in Irish Higher Education Institutions


Quality Qualifications Ireland (QQI) appointed a panel of national and international experts to review existing policy and guidelines on the quality assurance of research degree programmes in keeping with the National Framework for Doctoral Education, with the goal of developing National Quality Assurance Guidelines for Research Degrees (referred to as a National Code of Practice).

The Expert Panel reviewed existing quality assurance guidelines in use in Ireland and internationally to identify current best practice.  Towards the end of 2015, the Expert Panel met with groups of stakeholders from the higher education and broader research sectors to avail of their expertise and views. The Expert Panel have produced a report. 
Further information is available at the following links:

• Report of Expert Panel on the Quality Assurance of Research Degree Programmes in Irish Higher Education Institutions
• Report of the Expert Panel (greyscale print version)
• National Framework for Doctoral Education
• Terms of Reference



The Expert Panel appointed to review existing policy and guidelines on the quality assurance of research degree programmes
