Osnabrück Declaration on VET Endorsed


The Osnabrück Declaration on vocational education and training for transition to digital and green economies was endorsed on 30 November 2020 by the ministers in charge of vocational education and training of the Member States, the EU candidate countries and the EEA-EFTA countries, the European social partners and the European Commission. It is supported by European level VET providers’ associations (VET4EU2) and learners representatives. ​

The declaration has four objectives: 

  • resilience and excellence through quality, inclusive and flexible vocational education and training 
  • establishing a culture of lifelong learning 
  • promoting sustainability through vocational educational and training 
  • a European education and training area and an international dimension of vocational education and training

Stress was also placed on how vital a strong partnership with social partners would be for achieving the objectives and deliverables set out in the Declaration, and how European VET systems and an EU VET policy have the potential to serve as a worldwide reference for vocational learners in neighbourhood countries and other world regions.​
