NARIC Ireland during 2020


NARIC Ireland continues to offer advice on recognition of foreign qualifications despite possible reductions in student and worker mobility due to COVID 19. 

Our website traffic during 2020 amounted to 74,907 individual visits to country pages and 24,623 downloads of Comparability Statements on individual qualifications. 

There was an initial reduction in queries due to the pandemic but overall demand remained constant and our staff responded to around 3500 on-line queries from individuals, employers & institutions.  

What's new?

  • COVID-related activity by the ENIC-NARIC network includes a publication documenting the alternate arrangements made to upper secondary school exams throughout Europe during 2020.    
  • NARIC Ireland was successful in its bid to host the annual ENIC-NARIC network conference in Dublin in 2021; due to COVID restrictions this is now deferred to 2022.