Just published: Quality in Irish Further Education and Training


QQI has published its​ annual snapshot of the quality of Irish further education and training.     

Quality in Irish Further Education and Training 2020 outlines the developments and ongoing progress achieved in quality assurance and enhancement in the education and training board (ETB) sector in 2019. 

The progress to date by ETBs in establishing structures for the quality assurance of provision – particularly with regard to governance and oversight – proved to be a significant asset to the sector when responding to the unprecedented changes to teaching, learning and assessment required by the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020.  This experience demonstrated the value of a systematic, provider-owned focus on quality in protecting and ensuring confidence in the quality of the learning experience and learning outcomes. 

You can read the report in full here. 

This report is published as part of the QQI Insights series which aims to shape a fuller understanding of quality and qualifications in education and training, to inform and influence policy in education, training and employment, and to play a role in driving future transformation across the education and training sectors.​
