Comparing Qualifications in Ireland and New Zealand: New Guide Released


A new user guide comparing qualifications frameworks, levels and thequalifications from Ireland and New Zealand has been launched.  ComparingQualifications in Ireland and New Zealand:A Guide will help support recognition of qualifications between thetwo countries.


Dr Karen Poutasi, Chief Executive of the New Zealand QualificationsAuthority (NZQA) said,


‘The user guide explains the relationship between levels of the NewZealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF) and the Irish National Framework of Qualifications(NFQ), as agreed between NZQA and QQI. We have worked together to extend a previous arrangement on highereducation qualifications to all levels of each framework, and to shareinformation to promote greater understanding of qualifications and learning outcomesbetween Ireland and New Zealand.’


The European Qualifications Framework was central to this comparison asit is the common reference point used by both countries.


Dr Padraig Walsh, Chief Executive of QQI said,


‘The improved understanding of the two frameworks may result inbetter-informed decisions on the recognition of qualifications and contributeto improved student and labour mobility between Ireland and New Zealand.’


Dr Poutasi continued,


‘The project to compare the Irish NFQ and the NZQF can help to furtherstrengthen existing relationships between Ireland, the European Union and NewZealand.’


While the outcomes of the comparative analysis process do not entitle anyholder of an Irish or New Zealand qualification to claim automatic recognition,the report provides clear information to support qualifications recognitiondecisions.
