
Maps for lifelong learning: transparency, value and the expansion of qualifications frameworks 

The CEDEFOP report National Qualifications Frameworks Developments in Europe for 2019 summarises and illustrates the state of play of the 43 frameworks created to date in the EU, EFTA, candidate and potential countries and the UK.

The related analysis shows that comprehensive frameworks are expanding in Europe and are becoming maps for lifelong learning. In 2019, more countries have opened up their frameworks to include qualifications acquired outside formal/regulated education and training and made progress in creating, filling and mainstreaming their national qualification databases to support end-users with clear information on single qualifications.

Many NQFs are operational, firmly anchored in national education, training and qualification systems; they are undergoing up -dates and supporting synergies between European policies and tools such as validation, quality assurance, guidance and EuropassThe report is available he​re and is highly recommended for its insights into and analysis of qualifications frameworks across Europe.

A concise overview of the report is also available here.


CEDEFOP Studies: Perceptions on Adult Learning and Empowering Change 

A pan-European opinion survey conducted by Cedefop which interviewed more than 40,000 people aged 25 and over in the European Union, Norway and Iceland, has given researchers keen insight into what adults living in these regions think about adult learning and CVET, and the way image and perception influences action. 

Read the full report here and a briefing note from CEDEFOP here.


How can we empower people to cope with change? 

Published in December 2020, this briefing from CEDEFOP explores comprehensive learning support systems, and takes a look at research interlinking financial incentives, lifelong learning career guidance, career management skills and the validation of non-formal and informal learning.

You can find the briefing here.
