65th meeting of the European Qualifications Framework Advisory Group


The European Qualifications Framework Advisory Group (EQF AG) held its 65th meeting in Brussels on the 10th and 11th June 2024. Ireland is represented by QQI on this group.

The Commission presented an update regarding the publication of qualifications information in the Qualifications Dataset Register (QDR) noting the need for most countries to continue work in this area. Ireland already publishes data to the QDR twice a year with the next transfer scheduled for the coming weeks. A project group on Europass Mobility was set up in December 2022 with representatives from Erasmus+ National Agencies and National Europass Centres from 25 countries. A concrete development of the project group has been the revision of the Europass Mobility template. The revised template now combines pre- and post-mobility documents (learning agreement and post mobility document). The document in its post-mobility form has been updated to be shorter and more useful for potential employers or education and training providers selecting applicants. The new Europass Mobility can be used to document mobility in an Erasmus+ contact but also other kinds of mobility. QQI is the National Europass Centre and issues the mobility supplement template. Please contact info@europass.ie for more information.

Since 2009, Cedefop has carried out regular reviews of NQF developments in countries that are part of the EQF process. This systematic mapping and analysis, done in close cooperation with the EQF-AG and the European Commission, has directly supported the development of operational and sustainable NQFs working in the overall context established by the EQF.

In 2024, the joint NQF/EQF Cedefop-Commission-ETF survey aims to document changes and developments over the last 2 years but the survey will also seek information on topics that contribute to the further development of NQFs and the EQF (impact of NQFs, opening-up NQFs to qualifications awarded outside formal education and training, etc.). QQI as the EQF National Coordination Point will complete this survey documenting developments in the Irish NFQ.

There was a brief presentation of the initiatives related to the European Degree package, which will be supplemented by a dedicated webinar later this month. The draft comparison report between the EQF and the Southern African Development Community Regional Qualifications Framework was presented and discussed. A further webinar will be arranged to conclude the discussion. The pilot comparison project which undertook this comparison and others with the Ukraine and Cabo Verde will be evaluated during a peer learning activity in October.

Brief updates on the European Year of Skills and validation were provided. The VPL Biennale which was hosted in Ireland in May was congratulated and celebrated. Türkiye presented a state of play regarding its updated referencing report to the EQF. The mandate of a joint working group of EQF and Europass on the certificate supplement was discussed and agreed.

The EQF AG will next meet online in November.
