31st Annual Joint Meeting of the ENIC and NARIC Networks


On 24-25 June, ENIC-NARIC representatives from across the continent came together to discuss and share the latest insights and developments in the field of qualification recognition at the 31st Annual Joint Meeting of the ENIC and NARIC Networks in Naples, Italy.

Organised by CIMEA (ENIC-NARIC Italy), Dr Jim Murray and Andrina Wafer (alongside Elisa Petrucci, CIMEA and Elena Cirlan, ENQA) co-hosted a workshop to discuss ENIC-NARIC centres’ role in implementing the Commission’s 2024 higher education package

Chaired by Kinga Szuly and Julie Anderson (European Commission), this session considered some early implications from a recognition perspective of the Commission proposal to develop a Council Recommendation for a European Degree to be adopted mid-2028, with the hope that the degree will be mainstreamed across Europe by 2030. The link, for example, between automatic recognition - a qualification is recognised as making one eligible to apply for particular opportunities, while admission requirements may still need to be satisfied - and quality assurance is perceived as an important contribution from recognition authorities. The Irish perspective was shared at the session by NARIC Ireland.
