'Peer learning works!' - RPL project wraps up


‘Timely’, ‘practical’, ‘so much learning and discussion’, ‘peer learning works! - these were some of the positive responses of attendees at the final event of the RPL in Practice project. 

QQI and MTU with national partners, Mary Immaculate College and the IUA were delighted to participate in the RPL in Practice project dissemination Conference hosted by the Swedish Council for Higher Education and EURASHE. Discussion concluded that RPL supports inclusion and widening participation measures, national and European ‘brain gain.’ A recording of the presentations will soon be available at the project website. ​

A project report will issue shortly. 

Meanwhile, enjoy summary input​s​ from partners, the outcomes of the EURASHE survey on current practices and trial for yourself our project self-evaluation template to sti​mulate discussion within your Institution according to a common format.
